Healing Forces Webinar Series

Healing Forces, a three-part webinar series
with Dr. Adam Blanning, Dr. Carmen Hering, Elizabeth Sustick RN, and Dr. Steven Johnson.
Wednesdays June 13, June 27, July 11 from 7:30-8:30 pm Eastern.
Explore the concepts of warmth, the value of fevers and the healing properties of the lemon, and the seven life processes.
- June 13: Warmth as a Healing Force, with Adam Blanning, MD Warmth plays a very special role in the healing process. We will trace the diverse ways warmth can work as a developmental catalyst on physical, social, emotional and spiritual levels, and explore how this can be explained through an anthroposophic understanding of the human being.
- June 27: Nature’s gifts: Natural approaches to fever with Carmen Hering, DO and Elizabeth Sustick, RN Fever can be an important ally for growth and healing. Through fever, warmth activates the immune system to defend and detoxify itself. We will explore the qualities of lemon and how it can be used to help the body redistribute and harmonize these warmth processes.
- July 11: The Metamorphosis of our Life Processes through Body, Soul and Spirit, with Steven Johnson, DO Both Modern Science and Rudolf Steiner speak about 7 Life Processes as the healthy foundation of all life. We will explore the “phases” of metamorphosis these life processes undertake in the course of our human life to support a healthy integration of body, mind and spirit.